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About a year ago from BBC Education's Twitter via SocialFlow






Eid-Ul-Adha Letter to Parents 2024Ramadhan 2024Year 10 College Open Evening Letter
Eid Letter to parents - June 2024
Ramadhan March 2024
Yr 10 College Open Evening Letter
Year 11 College Open Evening LetterPTA Letter 2023/24Open Evening – Oct 2023/24
Yr 11 College Open Evening Letter
PTA letter to parents 2024
Pastoral Changes - Sept 2023


Help and Advice

Help and Advice:
Remember to email the pastoral.team@georgemitchellschool.co.uk if you suspect your child is experiencing any child on child abuse, the situation will be dealt with immediately in a discrete manner, this email address can also be found in your child’s planner.

Latest News

A reminder that year 10 students will be on work experience between the 18th March and 22nd March.  Daily attendance is expected.  If for any reason your child is unable to attend work,  please contact your child’s work experience employer and the school office. We wish all students an amazing experience! 

Latest News

STEM at Trinity College

Posted on 06 Oct 2021
This week I attended a women in STEM event at Trinity College, London. The aim of the event was to hear from inspirational women who have excelled in

‘Family Fun’ Session Pictures

Posted on 04 Oct 2021
Our Nursery parents and children thoroughly enjoyed our first ‘Family Fun’ session. 

HENRY Programme for parents at George Mitchell School.

Posted on 25 Sep 2021
Do you have a child under 5? If yes, we would like to invite you to a free 8 week course for parents which will be run by HENRY at George Mitchell sch

Women in STEM day at GM

Posted on 16 Jul 2021
Women in STEM day at George Mitchell School. What a triumph! Thank you to all our guests for your commitment to providing the most exceptional opportu

  • The school makes sure that pupils across the age groups develop a secure understanding of fundamental British values
    Ofsted 2016
  • Pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is strong. Pupils are encouraged to take on roles of responsibility.
    Ofsted 2016
  • Pupils are enthusiastic to learn. Through their positive approach to work, pupils demonstrate an awareness of how to be successful.
    Ofsted 2016
  • The early years provision is good. Over recent time, children's achievement at the end of the Reception Year has improved year on year
    Ofsted 2016
  • Pupils are polite and well mannered. In the primary and secondary phases, pupils' personal development and welfare is good.
    Ofsted 2016
  • Pupils attend school regularly and have positive attitudes to learning. They behave wel in lessons and around the school.
    Ofsted 2016
  • Teachers plan interesting work that captures pupils' interest and motivates them to work hard
    Ofsted 2016
  • Pupils' outcomes are good. Pupils make good progress in the primary and secondary phases
    Ofsted 2016
  • George Mitchell School is a good school
    Ofsted 2016
  • Staff brilliant, students, friendly and engaging very organised and wonderful hospitality. Thank you!  Hope to return.
    Rachel Ogilvy - LPT (Study Skills Workshop)
  • Positive constructive environment offering space for quality engagement with the students
    Rachel Roberts - Student Voice (Campaigning Workshop)
  • A really nice and relaxed school with polite pupils and staff
    Silvia Bazzarelli - London School of Capoeira
  • A very organised day from the outset, a thoroughly enjoyable day with smiling, friendly, supportive staff.  The pupils were honest and healthily sceptical.  A positive thing, they have to question things to be successful at conceptual thinking – a necessary attribute for A-level study.  Hope to visit again.  Thank you.
    Paul Engers - Learning Performance Training (Study Skills/Memory Training)
  • I have taught in many schools and in my honest humble opinion George Mitchell Schools has excellent teachers and the students reflect this
    Mo Ahmed - Army Boot Comp Fitness
  • A really positive school.  This is a school I would describe as ‘easy’, not challenging at all, but engaging and a delight.  A really enjoyable day
    Keith Gammon – Buzz Road Safety Education
  • As always, pupils behaved well and treated visitors with respect.  I have always enjoyed working in George Mitchell school, the pupils are great!
    Richard Dalton – 15 Billion
  • Very good, one lovely lad shook my hand and thanked me
    Janet Colledge – EBP – Outstanding Career
  • Polite and welcoming school plus some very interested students
    Matthew Carter – EBP Careers – Babcock
  • Excellent!
    Andrew Strong – Stafford Youth (Insight into Industry Day)
  • Very well organised, helpful staff, lovely Year 7s
    Rhiannon Calvin – MyBank (Careers)
  • Well behaved students
    Zahra Iqbal – Sir George Monoux College (Skills Workshop)
  • Relaxed atmosphere, friendly enthusiastic staff
    Jane Brueseke – LBWF/YIAG (National Anti-Bullying Week)
  • Great staff and students – I enjoyed the day! I would love to come back
    Richard Graham – Met Police (National Anti-Bullying Week)
  • Excellent, very professional and warm
    Patricia Eiach – Actorshop (Enterprise Day)
  • Children have done really well and they should be proud!!
    M. Mohamed – Osbonne (Professional Interview Day)
  • The students I saw were a pleasure
    Annette House – Edinburgh Primary School (Professional Interview Day)
  • Great pupils and passionate staff.  Would return again.  I hope my advice helped the pupils
    Carlina George – Ascham Homes (Professional Interview Day)
  • The pupils I came into contact with were extremely polite, eager to do well.  A real credit to themselves and your school.  It would be a pleasure to return again! I hope the day helps the pupils
    Kay Banks - Ashton Heating (Professional Interview Day)
  • Great Teachers, lively students – in a good way, great day, thanks for the invite.
    Mark Corbett – My Bank
  • A lovely warm school who cares about all roundness of their pupils
    Angelique - London Fire Brigade
  • As always, pleasure to come into George Mitchell and work with the young people and staff. Thank you.
    Mike Evans - 15billion
  • Well behaved children, got involved with the presentation and was listening to everything I was saying.
    Nick Cambridge - London Fire Brigade