
Religious Education and Philosophy in the Primary

Understanding religion is about understanding humans. George Mitchell children spend time at the start of each lesson considering philosophical questions and learning to listen, consider and debate in a thoughtful and respectful manner. This allows them to explore and discuss religion and ethics in a similarly respectful manner when emotions and loyalties are stronger.
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Over the course of their time at the Primary, children will visit a house of worship for each of the 6 largest world religions. The visits are centred on understanding, gathering knowledge and finding common ground.

As part of our Enrichment programme, we offer short courses in Philosophy, ethics and religions not otherwise covered on the syllabus.


A Thunk is a philosophical question without a clear answer. Why not try some of these at home? Remember to listen as well as talk, and to show respect towards others’ ideas and opinions.


More Thunks

Enjoy RE and Philosophy? Here’s how you can explore these subjects further.



SACRE Syllabus for KS1 and 2

We follow the syllabus set by the Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE), as guided by Waltham Forest.
