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Primary Mathematics

We are all capable, enthusiastic mathematicians when given the right tools. We want all children to develop a love of maths and confidence applying their skills in the real world. We do this through small-step modelling and rehearsal of varied fluency, reasoning and problem solving skills and through our own love of all things mathematical.

White Rose Maths

We use the award-winning White Rose Maths to underpin our mathematics curriculum throughout the Primary Phase.  White Rose resources are all aimed at one thing: helping every child and young person to understand, enjoy and succeed in maths. This is achieved by developing understanding. By truly understanding each maths concept and by mastering learning one step at a time, EVERYONE CAN DO MATHS: EVERYONE CAN!

White Rose Videos

White Rose has produced a very high quality series of videos and workbooks to aid home learning and to help parents to understand key mathematical concepts. You can find the videos and linked workbooks here.


We use Mathletics to rehearse known concepts at home and at school. Contact your child’s teacher if you need a login reminder.



Mathematical Competions and Challenges

Partnerships with Secondary Phase

Our Enrichment lessons include short courses in pure mathematics and in maths combined with other areas of learning. We especially love teaching children about the maths evident all around them in nature and in Art.

Improving Basic Mathematical Skills


Times Tables

Love Maths? Here’s how you can take it further…

Nrich – a website for mathematicians at all levels to explore ideas and test their skills

Curriculum and Planning

National Curriculum for Mathematics

George Mitchell Curriculum Overview

White Rose Unit Overview

Our lessons are carefully structured to rehearse skills, introduce new concepts through small-step modelling, followed by independent or group work which applies those skills in creative and interesting ways.



The sole aim of assessment at George Mitchell Primary is to identify gaps and then teach the missed concept, so that children are secure and confident in all areas of mathematics.

We assess children in the following ways:

Assessment for Learning (AfL) takes place at key parts of each and every lesson, so the teacher is immediately understands how secure children are with new learning and can support those who need extra help.

End of Unit assessments are short tests which cover the key concepts of a unit of learning. These inform next-steps planning for the class and for individuals.

PUMA (online standardised assessments from Rising Stars) are taken by each child in Years 2-5 at the end of each term. Again, these inform next-steps planning.

Times tables are assessed regularly, both formally and informally, in Years 2-6.

Calculation Policies

White Rose Maths National Curriculum Progression Document for Mathematics
