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Governing Body

George Mitchell School Governing Board 2023-24

Dionne Campbell–Mark – Chair (Training lead)
Benita Simmons – Headteacher
James Smith – Vice Chair
Edna Addai – Co-opted (Careers )
Courtney Reid – Co-opted (SEND, EYFS, Safeguarding)
Aoife Deane – Co-opted
Will Allen – Co-opted (Careers)
Hannah Gillot – Co-opted
Vacancy – Co-opted
Joanna Hadaway – Staff Governor
Danielle Walker– Parent Governor
Vacancy – Parent Governor

Resources Committee

Will Allen (Finance Lead), Courtney Reid (Premises Lead) Edna Addai, Danielle Walker, Joanna Hadaway

Curriculum Committee

Hannah Gilott (Chair), James Smith, Aoife Deane

Headteacher’s Performance Management Committee

Dionne Campbell-Mark and Roger Leighton (CEO Partnership Learning)

Staff Discipline, Grievance and Dismissal Appeals Committee

All governors eligible (panel quorum three governors)

Please click the links below to view documents regarding the Financial Reporting of George Mitchell School and Further information regarding the Governing Board

Financial Reporting

Further Information