All students regardless of need, ability or circumstance are valued and nurtured to fulfil their potential; so that they are ready to make a positive contribution and be successful in their ongoing journey.
This is achieved through:
- All pupils have access to a broad and balanced curriculum.
- Obtaining meaningful qualifications and developing positive character traits (PRIDE values)
- The identification of all pupils requiring SEND provision as early as possible in their school career.
- SEND pupils taking as full a part as possible in all school activities.
- Parents of SEND pupils being kept fully informed of their child’s progress and attainment.
- SEND pupils being involved, through person centred planning, in decisions affecting their future SEND provision.
- Parents, teachers and pupils working together.
At George Mitchell School, the SEND Code of Practice (2014), Children and Families Act (2014) and Equality Act (2010) inform our practice for students with special educational needs and disabilities. We fully recognise our legal responsibility regarding the education of children with special educational needs and follow set procedures as per an assess. Plan, do and review approach. This directs the work of all staff, ensuring all students are fully included in the life of the school and are supported to achieve their potential.
You can view the full policy and relevant documentation here on our website:
Inclusion and Special Educational Needs Policy
Children with Health needs who cannot stay in school Policy
Supporting Pupils with Medical conditions Policy
Key personnel:
Mrs Bergin-Miah – Secondary Assistant Headteacher (Inclusion)
Ms Francis – Primary SENCo
Useful Links
Waltham Forest Parent Forum
Phone: 07528 433640 or 07794 298496
Waltham Forest SENDIASS
Phone: 074 9428 0073
DfE SEND Guide
SEND Guide for Parents and Carers – DfE publication August 2014