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Number Day

A big thanks to everyone who joined us to celebrate Number Day! 

Zoo Lab

Last week children in Reception had a great time getting to know and handling various animals

Phonics workshop for Reception parents

Nursery family fun session:  Writing and Mark making through Play

Observing Remembrance day

Children in Nursery learnt about Remembrance day. 

They learnt about the soldiers who died at the war and observed a 2-minute silence.

 They also went for a remembrance day parade to mark the occasion.

Fun Family Reading session in Nursery: 

At Nursery, we had a great turn out for our family reading sessions. It was particularly great to see so many dads taking out time to read with their children. 

This week we have been learning about changes and Autumn. Today we discussed important questions about Autumn such as  “Why do leaves fall off the trees in Autumn?’ and ‘Why do leaves change colour?’

After talking about Autumn, we went for an autumn walk to embed the learning. Children talked about what happens in autumn and collected autumn leaves. They talked about various colours of autumn leaves and also explored shapes and sizes of different leaves. They also quietly observed the birds chirping and the leaves falling off the trees.

Children were particularly fascinated by many spider’s webs that they found in the park. It was great to see children using words such as ‘crispy, spiky, crunchy and prickly to describe various textures.

This week EYFS have been learning about Marcus Rashford and the important things he has done to help hungry families and communities. This is as part of our Black History Month topic ‘Actions Speak Louder Than Words’.

We decided to collect food to be donated to St Mary’s Church, Leyton. Every Thursday the church provides hot meals for people in need and also offer food for their guests to take away with them. A group of children walked down to the church this morning to drop off our donation.

Thank you to everyone who generously contributed to our food collection. Our donation will help many families and individuals.

We would also like to thank Dan, Lisa and Colette at St Mary’s Church who welcomed us so warmly and explained to the children how our donation would be used.

HENRY Programme for parents at George Mitchell School.

Do you have a child under 5?

If yes, we would like to invite you to a free 8-week course for parents which will be run by HENRY at George Mitchell school.

Starting from Wednesday 12th October 2022. 

Contact the school office to sign up for the course.

HENRY is a non-profit organisation, working in Waltham Forest for the last 12 years,  to support parents of children under 5.

Visit the website below to find out more about HENRY: 


Register quickly as places are limited!!

Reception children celebrate Queen Elizabeth’s Platinum Jubilee

Zoo Lab Visit -Eco Worriers-  

Learning about wild animals and how to protect them.


World Book Day, 3rd March

A big Thank you to those parents who came and read to our children. 

Zoo Lab Visit – Eco Worriers  

Learning about wild animals and how to protect them.

A visit to the farm! 

Making pancakes in Nursery and Reception. 

Independent Chefs making Pakoras

Physical development and fun!

We are very lucky to be located next to a park that provides excellent opportunities for children to develop their physical skills. 

Our Reception children had a great time during a recent trip to ‘Skelton’s lane park in Leyton.

Autumn walk

Children explore changes that take place in Autumn by going for a walk in the local area. 

They explore leaves of various colours, shapes and sizes, and talk about why leaves change colour and fall off the trees in Autumn. 

Eco Investigators- Celebrating Earth Day


This week in Reception we explored how informed choices can protect animals and their habitats. 

We had an up close and personal experience with animals including an endangered species of a Gecko. 

After the experience we created posters about what we can do to protect our environment. Enjoy the pictures! 

British Science Week

In Nursery, children have been closely following NASA’s Perseverance expedition to planet Mars. 

They learnt about the Red planet and space travel and created their own Rovers using various media and materials. 

Celebrating reading at home

World Book Day: Nursery

World Book Day: Reception

Remembrance Day Celebrations-Nursery

Culture Day