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Primary Design Technology

Design and Technology is about providing opportunity for children to use creativity and imagination to design and make products that solve real and relevant problems, considering their own and others’ needs.


Design Technology forms part of our Enrichment offer.

George Mitchell Secondary Phase has an extremely well equipped Design Technology workshop and partnership with our Secondary Phase offers our children access to machinery and equipment they would not usually have available to them in a Primary School.

Love Design and Technology? Here’s how you can take it further…

Design Technology is a way for children to learn how to problem solve and learn to work systematically. The following links will help you and your child to create interesting projects and develop those essential skills.



Curriculum Support

If you would like to deepen your understanding of an area of the Design Technology curriculum, these links will help you.


National Curriculum Programme of Study

Curriculum, Planning and Assessment

At George Mitchell School we use a PLAN • DO • CHECK • REVIEW approach, supported by planning and assessment documentation.
