
Coronavirus: Work for Home Study

The following information does not currently apply to students because the school is not under lockdown. The information has been left here for any student who has to self-isolate and may need guidance with accessing the work.

It is expected that ALL students will resume doing 4-5 hours of work set by their teachers every day at home, starting on Monday morning at 9am, either online (Google Classroom) or on paper if they do not have access to a computer.

Please try and ensure that your child has some dedicated time to work and attempts the following:

  • Logs into Google Classroom
  • Works for 4 – 5 hours per day
  • Completes all work
  • Submits work before the deadline
  • Completes any further work set.

Signing in to Google Classroom

The central place for all students will be Google Classroom. Sign in at https://classroom.google.com/. Most students have been taught how to log in. For students not in school, the password has been emailed to student accounts and sent home via letter.

Below is an animation showing how to log in:


This is a new system for the school and there have been some issues with a few student accounts. If you are having difficulties, please check the list of remedies below: